Monday, April 30, 2012

Runaway Innocence

This past weekend I set out on a painting journey. A larger canvas has always scared me away for several reasons. It was mostly the depth of empty space I would need to fill to call a painting worth it. Cost and time weighed in heavily but I over came all obstacles and purchased my first (what I think to be) gigantic canvas.  Something I've never attempted before.

I wanted to paint something familiar to myself. This painting was floating around in my head for a few days. I knew it was going to be personal after all the therapy I've been working on.

What would you bring with yourself if you were running away? A child would be ill prepared for all that's out there in the world. After all, it's a scary and unfamiliar place. Who would you meet on your journey? Where would you sleep? How would you feel once you've realized you were out there, alone?

Maybe it's time I start selling some prints. Any interest and I'm jumping on it.

Runaway Innocence Original Acrylic 20x30 Canvas (about 5 more inches got cut off in this photo)
All Artwork (C)Copyright Rebecca Curtis

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